Sew it Seams

Hello! This feels really strange to be starting a second blog. I decided to start a new blog in conjuction with my current blog to showcase another part of my life. I absolutely love to sew and to create using fabrics rather than paper. The fabric store is equally as exciting and enticing as a row of pattern paper. Through this blog I hope to share my sewing and needle art projects that I have already made and those that I will make and share in the future. As much as I would have liked to have shared these projects on my other blog, I felt that these projects needed a completely new forum. I hope you enjoy sharing my journey as I create and hopefully inspire others. I really wanted to title my blog "Sew it Seams", but it was already taken, so I decided to use it for my first entry.

A little history; I began taking sewing classes back in Jr. High School and liked it okay. I then took sewing classes in High School and fell in love. No...not with the projects that we were supposed to be making, but rather taking my fabric and making something new, something else. At the end of the semester, I hadn't really finished my *required* projects, but that meant I could get extra credit making things I *wanted* to make. I picked my own fabrics and trim, and made a few projects without patterns because I could see them in my head. I hadn't done much sewing since then until my husband, with the help of my in-laws surprised me with a new Bernina Sewing Machine for Christmas about 5 years ago. I have been in heaven ever since. I have used it in my card making, my scrapbooking, my needle art, making quilts for my daughter and my son, making quilts for friends and family, making dresses, bonnets, bibs, etc. I am hoping that by starting this blog I will take more time for one of the things in my life that I really love. Thanks for sharing the adventure!


HeatherH said…
Sounds great, can't wait to see some of your work!
How FUN, Kelley!!! I, too, have sewn my entire life, since probably 3rd grade or so, but much less in the last 10 years or so. There just isn't time to do it all, you would well know!!! LOVE your baby quilt!!! And I will be back to see what else you create!!! I posted a sewing project or two on my stamping blog, and have a tree skirt to post one of these days soon!!! Have fun here!!! My sewing these days is simple and quick, just like my cards -- LOL!!!

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